Aug 16·edited Aug 16Liked by Faima Bakar

HO-ly sh*t. As I'm reading I'm telling myself, "hell no it can't get worse, please don't get worse"… but it does 😭

Don't blame yourself for people's horrific and abusive behaviour - your accessibility isn't ever an excuse for any of that.

I could flame and rage at this moron but I hope he gets the hell away and stays the hell away. Couldn't be anything less attractive than such a reaction to rejection.

On the point of,

> Things you tell people organically in your own time, he knew before I even met him.

it is far too easy and unnatural to learn so much about anyone in the way we do, a bit disastrous in the wrong hands. Similarly is the way we sometimes convey expectations and the other person ends up moulding themselves around those expectations… but of course that facade only lasts so long.

*insert blocka blocka blocka meme*

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Haha I love this response. Thank you so much. He has gone back to New York now. I know coz he messaged me yesterday asking if I’d like to see him again lol. It’s a no buddy. He’s blocked everywhere but email is hard to block. I don’t think I’ll hear from him again. Thanks for reaching out 💗💗

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That escalated quickly!! I’m sorry you had to go through that, and I hope you’re staying safe. It’s really crazy what lengths men can go to and how they will just pull an uno reverse card on a rejection (rejecting a rejection 😭) blocking them as soon as they don’t get the message after you reject them once is unfortunately the key, it’s not worth it trying to be nice or soft and help them come to terms with it.

It’s also interesting this perspective that so much of your vulnerabilities are out there as public info. As someone that feels highly uncomfortable with being “perceived” (by strangers and even acquaintances) I try to stay invisible online as much as possible. I think that’s pretty brave of you to put yourself out there like that :)

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You’re so right! Hindsight is a beautiful thing and I should have blocked him right away. I just wish things hadn’t escalated so much. Anyway thanks for reaching out, appreciate it x

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Stay safe 💜

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Faima thank you for being so vulnerable and sharing this with us. But also, please stay safe and let us all know if there is anything we can do to help!

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Thank you Yousra that means a lot, appreciate it!!

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